
157 results for   Category: Record Keeping


The Essentials of High School Recordkeeping

High school recordkeeping doesn’t have to be a headache! By following this framework, you can create your own simple system that will clearly present your student’s interests, abilities, and achievements.

Introduction to Recordkeeping

Recordkeeping is really just a way of telling the unique and beautiful tale of your child’s life and education!

Por qué todo adolescente necesita un expediente académico y cómo conseguirlo


Tips for Writing High School Course Descriptions

How important are high school course descriptions? And how do I write them?

Creating My Teen’s High School Plan

Getting ready to homeschool your high schooler—or already started? Now is the best time to make a plan! By mapping out your teen’s courses ahead of time, you can stay on course all the way through graduation.

Why Every Teen Needs a Transcript—and How to Get One


Recordkeeping Tools

How will you tell your child’s educational story? Here are a few options . . . Three-ring binders, photo albums, file folders, online recordkeeping services

Herramientas para la gestión de registros educativos

¿Cómo contará la historia educacional de su hijo? Aquí hay algunas opciones… álbumes de fotos, portafolios, archivadores y plataformas en línea para almacenar registros.

Creating a Student Education Plan (SEP) to Meet My Child’s Special Needs

So you’ve decided to homechool your special needs child, and you’re ready for the practical stuff! Here are 5 simple steps to create your child’s Student Education Plan (SEP), the homeschool version of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Choosing and Documenting High School Extracurricular Activities

Everything you ever wanted to know about including extracurriculars in your homeschool!